
Franklin NC Historical Museum Videos November 16, 2015 12:55 2407 Comments

The first video for the Macon County Historical Museum.



Macon County Historical Museum Youtube Channel

It has been my distinct privilege to work with a group of friends interested
in preserving our regional history. This is the first of many videos to
introduce you to the Macon County Historical Society. Come see what
you've been missing. The Museum appreciates your support. Your donation
will make the Museum better! Become a member today.

More information at:

Yellow Creek Falls - Graham County NC June 3, 2015 09:00 121 Comments


While seeking inspiration for a new watercolor painting of a waterfall I have found it.
This is what I was looking for. Future videos will show the painting in Progress.

See the photograph I want to paint in the video below.

Great place to explore. Watch for painting videos soon.

New Retail Location for 2015. I will be painting on Friday afternoons from 1- 5 PM at
Crystal Falls Specialty Shops. Weather permitting, I will be outside. I also have a nice 
place inside to paint. Stop by & say hello. Occasionally, I also paint on Saturday and
Sunday afternoons, depending on my schedule. Check my Events Calendar for times.

Secret Falls May 24, 2015 07:00 109 Comments


More and more folks are finding waterfalls they never knew existed because of the internet.
Myself included. If you enjoy remote waterfalls you will not be disappointed by this gem of 
Macon County, North Carolina. My new favorite. I'll be back!

Spectacular in every sense of the word. My photos do not begin do this waterfall justice.
Great place to picnic, wade or relax in the sun.  However, this is a popular place on sunny
days and weekends. You will not be alone. Hike at your own risk, 

May 23rd. Mountain Laurel at peak bloom. And yes, that is the moon in the sky.
It was really there. Really. OK, I did make it a bit bigger so you could see it. But it was there.

I will be painting today, May 24, from 1-5 PM at Crystal Falls Specialty Shops. Stop by.




WINTERGREEN FALLS May 17, 2015 18:30 88 Comments

May 15th - Great day hiking in DuPont State Recreational Forest near Brevard. You and
your family need to visit this wonderful jewel of Western North Carolina.


Crystal Falls Specialty Shops May 3, 2015 07:30 48 Comments

Over the next 2 weeks we will be hanging my artwork. The main wall is a massive 40 feet
wide and 23 feet tall allowing me to display all of my work both old and new.

Check Facebook and my events calendar for future painting sessions at Crystal Falls
Specialty Shops. I will be there occasionally or by appointment. 828-524-6709 


May 24 - Painting Session at Crystal Falls Specialty Shops

Today I was working on a watercolor of the western view from Wesser Bald Tower
on the Appalachian Trail in Macon County. There were clouds in the valley lit by
the rising morning sun. Incredible moment in time from a few years back.

Wonderful weather and great afternoon painting. Thank you to all the fine folks who visited.
Great to see you Bob from SC, one of my best friends from High School many many years ago.
More painting days ahead. Watch my Events Calendar for times. 

We will be working on my wall display this week. New Canvas Photos and Fine Art will be
added frequently. Soon new originals will be on display at:
Michael M. Rogers Fine Art in Crystal Falls Specialty Shops. 

May 23 - Painting from 1-5 at Crystal Falls Specialty Shops.

May 3 - Painting at Crystal Falls Specialty Shops.

Thank you to all my friends who came by to sit a while and watch. It was another
beautiful day. Lots going on. Great place to paint outside when the weather was so
nice today. Good crowd today. I'll paint again soon.

May 2 - Painting on Location

Wonderful weather and a great day to paint outside at Crystal Falls Specialty Shops.
Located 3 miles south of Franklin on 441. I plan on another painting session this
afternoon, May 3, from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M.


Magazine Article April 13, 2015 07:30 60 Comments

A feature story about my work, written by Mike Kesselring of Bryson City,
was featured in Southern Trout Magazine. Check out the story here.


Click the photo below for a link to the article. Great job, Thanks Mike.

Whiteoak Creek Falls Canvas Print February 9, 2015 07:30 60 Comments

Available soon as a canvas print.

Whiteoak Creek Falls ©Michael M. Rogers

Candid Photo of Michael M. Rogers February 8, 2015 20:00 40 Comments

February 8, 2015 West of Nantahala Lake, Macon County NC.
Michael M. Rogers Fine Art

3 Tips for Better Landscape Photos January 13, 2015 07:37 70 Comments


These 3 tips have served me well in the last few years. Carrying a heavy tripod miles back
in the woods was difficult at first, but now I won't take a photo without it. I use a 3 legged
tripod with a 3 lever head.  There are only 2 height adjustments per leg to allow for quicker
setup. Also, each leg can be adjusted independently of the others for more unusual positions.
A tripod is indispensable for shots like these.
Martin Creek Falls off Warwoman Road near Clayton Georgia, featured in my nature DVD:
"Favorite Appalachian Waterfall Hikes" Volume 2

Martin Creek Falls


There are really too many benefits to not have one on hand. To get rid of reflected light on
trees and leaves. To bring out incredible blue skies and crispy white clouds. But the greatest
benefit would be to get rid of reflected light on water.  You can purchase a circular polarizer 
for most any camera based on the lens size. Or buy a step-up ring to fit an odd-sized lens.
Added benefit is that it will help protect your expensive lens if you fall or drop your camera
as happens to me more often than I would like to admit. I would stick with the name brands.
Cheap filters are not worth the trouble. I even use polarizers on all my video cameras.

Standing Indian Mountain

Tip Number 3: TIME OF DAY

Morning, early morning to be exact. Morning light is special. It is warmer in color
and the light is better. Also, rainy cloudy days even when it is misting rain.  When 
you think about it, every wonderful photograph that has intrigued or inspired you
was taken by someone who was there in that place just at that moment in time.

So: Get out of bed and climb the mountain. You'll be glad you did.

Onion Mountain View North Northwest

Bonus Tips:

  • Read your camera's manual. Really, have you read every single page?
  • Neutral Density Filters can help reduce the amount of light in a shot.
  • Understand Composition. We'll explore that in future blogs.
  • Take the time to learn photo editing software. There are some good free ones. 
  • Take lots of photos because in lots of photos you will develop your own style.
  • Learn about aperture settings. Very important for image quality.
  • Better exposure is better than more megapixels.

These days I only shoot with digital cameras. For some reason they make sense to me.
I've used Photoshop for 20 years in my art business. This has really come in handy with
photo editing and manipulation. Remember, the end result is what is important.

Feel free to comment. These tips are how I take photographs. Use the ideas that work for you.

Thanks for reading,  Michael M. Rogers at:

    NEWS December 16, 2014 11:02 5551 Comments

    Welcome to the store.I'm so excited to keep my customers informed about my latest projects. Stay tuned as more products are introduced.

    Thanks for stopping by. Sincerely, Michael M. Rogers